Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Easy Spicy Vegetarian Chili...

Wednesday has been busy, to say the least. I've been out searching for a new place to live next year already , as housing in Tubingen fills up super fast. When there are 28,000 students new/happy places are rather difficult to find. In order find some inner peace and spicy-ness I decided to make some yummy soul food. I love spicy food.

I have to admit when I make food I generally just look at recipes for a list of ingredients. I think just sorta throw things together. Taste test and roll it out. This probably isn't how everyone cooks but I like to change things up.
Here is a link to the ingredient/recipe I sorta adhered to:

I changed it however-
this is the what I used:

1 can 250g kidney beans, 1 can 250g corn, 1 can 250g whole tomatoes, 3 stocks of asparagus, 1/3 of a zucchini cubed, 1 carrot, 2 mushrooms, 1 of a green pepper, 1 half of a red pepper, 1 whole purple onion sliced into small bits, 3 cloves of garlic. For seasoning I used probably about 1/2 tablespoon cayanee pepper, 1 tsp basil, 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp oregano and 1/4 cup olive oil.

1 deep frying pan with a lid

1. wash, cut all your veggies
2.  Put the carrots, and zucchini into the pan about a minute before all the other veggies.
3. throw all the remaining veggies in pan.( onions, garlic, mushrooms ect.)

4. Add seasonings and sautee all of veggies till tender- aka the onions will be softer/clearer. It took me about 10 mins.
5. Open all the canned items- corn, kidney beans and tomatoes. I like to put them in a measuring cup so they dont spill all over, but do as you wish, and pour them into the veggies.
6. Cover all the ingredients and bring to a simmer for about 20 mins. If it isnt thick enough add a pinch of flour and stir.
7. Good luck :)

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